Professional IssuesTerms of Reference for Policy, Education and Professional Affairs
Pilot study of university Biochemistry Programmes raises questions over current chemistry and practical provision
A survey of the views and needs of Biochemical Society members working in small to medium sized companies
Views on the Dearing Report on Higher Education sent to the Commons Education and Employment Select Committee
Monthly Reports on Professional Affairs Response to the Graduate Standards Programme report. The Society emphasised the fundamental importance of establishing a descriptive awards framework to clarify the relationship between undergraduate awards at different levels, with a series of expected outcome competencies. Departments across Higher Education offering courses of the same level and type were encouraged to benchmark standards, and to arrange meetings for internal and external examiners so as to strengthen peer judgement. The Society recommended moving towards a system of transcripts to indicate graduate achievement. Response to the position paper on Higher Level Vocational Qualifications The Society supported the development of vocational awards up to level 5, and highlighted the need for higher level vocational qualifications to acquire the same esteem as academic awards. Careers and Employment StatisticsTrends in initial employment of UK biochemistry graduates A survey of initial employment of first degree and PhD graduates over the last 15 years. 59 Portland Place, London W1B 1QW; Tel: 020 7580 5530; Fax: 020 7637 3626; E-mail: [email protected] |